5G New Radio – Emerging Spectrum Bands

The next generation of wireless communications is on the horizon, and the telecoms world is waiting to see exactly at which frequencies 5G will be implemented. Despite some unknowns and technological challenges, it is increasingly becoming clear that millimeter-wave (or millimeter band) will be a key enabler for 5G and it is going to be deployed in very early 5G use cases such as 5G fixed wireless. In this article, we explain the benefits of the different wave frequencies and delve into the activities of the key stakeholders who are shaping the 5G future from a new radio spectrum perspective.

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SD-WAN and the Need for a Targeted Sales Strategy

Since our last insight on SD-WAN strategy for telecom providers, many top-tier service providers have launched SD-WAN products and are positioning their offers in the marketplace to grow sales across business customers for new use cases and regions. In this insight, we describe how to focus sales efforts to identify potential early and high-value adopters of SD-WAN.

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Cartesian Introduces the Farncombe Security Audit™ Mark for Digital Media Content Systems

Overland Park, KS – September 1, 2016 – Cartesian® (NASDAQ: CRTN), a specialist provider of consulting services and managed solutions to the telecoms, digital media and technology sector, has introduced the Farncombe Security Audit™ Mark. The Mark signifies to operators and service providers that the digital media content system has undergone an extensive security review, and that a report is available on request.

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Why Over-the-Top Video Providers Aren’t Concerned with Churn – and Why They Should Be

Over-the-top (“OTT”) video providers today downplay the fact that their customers churn at far higher rates than traditional service providers. While OTT video has some important differences from traditional Pay-TV, increasing competition and slowing growth will make customer acquisition a more challenging, and expensive, proposition for OTT providers. Understanding the true causes of churn and implementing some best practices can help OTT providers maximize profitability.

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