Addressing Gaps in Broadband Infrastructure Availability and Service Adoption

Both issues – availability and affordability – can be addressed with currently proposed funds: for $61B – $118B, the U.S. can build gigabit broadband to all 19M locations with less than 100/20 Mbps service, as well as provide subsidies that can enable up to 17M households to connect to broadband service.

A Cost Estimation & Prioritization Framework for US Broadband

To close the digital divide in America, there are three key questions policymakers need to consider in developing a comprehensive plan for universal broadband availability and adoption:

  1. What is the state of broadband service availability and adoption today?
  2. What would it cost to address both the availability and adoption gaps?
  3. How can available funds be prioritized in order to make meaningful progress towards both objectives?
In this report, we utilize the most recent availability data and conduct a detailed analysis to estimate costs across multiple deployment and adoption program scenarios.