A Day in the Life

8:45 AM: I start my day off by reading emails, catching up on the news and any interesting tech updates, planning out my day, and making a pot of tea for the office, a tradition and tea pot I’ve inherited from past analysts.

9:45 AM: I meet with my team for our daily sync up meeting to update each other on our workstreams. We’re working for a major telecommunications company to help improve their sales performance through the use of dynamic dashboards and real-time analytics. The meeting is a great time to share ideas and get feedback on methodologies I’m considering, so I update my team on some final edits I’m making to a dashboard before we present it to the client later in the day.

10:30 AM: Between work, I meet for an hour with the new analyst and consultant hires who started earlier in the week to present a training session on slide writing.

12:30 PM: I grab lunch with others in the lunch room. Lately we’ve been watching HGTV, and a particular modern home renovation starts a discussion on what new smart home IoT products we think will actually succeed.

1:30 PM: On a call with our client, I present the dashboard I’ve created that they can use to track analytics around sales performance and important KPIs. I describe what type of real-time trends they can identify with the dashboard and we review the different sales metrics they care about.

3:00 PM: I gather people for a coffee run to Dunkin’ Donuts where I unsuccessfully try to convince my manager to use their mobile payment app. While I think the app is convenient, others argue that ease of use has often been a barrier for mobile financial services adoption.

4:00 PM: The earlier review of the dashboard with the client revealed some interesting trends around decreased performance of product bundles with slow internet speeds, so we want to take a closer look. I take a look at the sales data and analyze volume, KPIs, and trends over time.

7:00 PM: I draft up a small slide loop that highlights what I’ve found and makes recommendations around product rationalization. I email the slides to my manager with next steps for tomorrow, and wrap up my work for the day.