A Day in the Life

8:30 AM: As I walk to the office in the morning, I usually check my meeting schedule for the day and read any emails that may have come in overnight. I find it’s a good way to ground myself for the day ahead.

9:00 AM: We meet as a team for our daily sync up to discuss what we worked on the previous day and give a high-level summary of our upcoming assignments. Our client is a Fortune 20 tech company looking to grow their cloud business by partnering with service providers.

9:15 AM: I head back to my desk and start skimming my RSS feeds for interesting articles about cloud competitors. Part of my role on our project is to stay on top of market competition and this helps me build industry knowledge.

10:30 AM: Time for our first client call of the day. We meet as a team in the boardroom and my manager presents the latest slide deck to our client. He mentions that executive leadership is still not convinced that there is market demand for our proposed program. After the call, we compare notes and discuss edits to the deck. I’m responsible for the revenue & investment model so I take the edits related to those slide. And to address the executives concerns, I volunteer to create an additional slide to reinforce the market opportunity.

12:00 PM: I check with the analysts sitting around me to see who brought lunch. Some days we grab food from surrounding lunch spots: Chicken and Rice is my personal favorite! We gather in the lunch room to eat, watch a little TV and discuss current events.

1:00 PM: Back to work. Based on the feedback from our morning conversation, we need an additional slide on the total addressable market (TAM) for service providers building clouds. I start looking through analyst reports and gather relevant statistics in an Excel workbook.

5:30 PM: That was stressful! Once I feel good about the research I’ve gathered, it’s time for a break. It’s a quiet day in the office, so I toss a football (we have a lot of miscellaneous sports equipment lying around) with my friend in the cube next to me.

5:45 PM: Refocused, I finish off my TAM slide, along with smaller edits to my other slides and circulate them to my team for feedback. I pause to take stock of my remaining tasks. Some nights there are pressing deadlines and lots of work to finish. But tonight I’m in a good place with my work.

6:00 PM: I ask my manager if there’s anything else I can help with. He mentioned that he’s working on a pitch deck for a new client and ask if I can search our database of past projects for some relevant qualifications. Although we are usually staffed to one project at a time, there are always opportunities to help out with one-off requests, business development, and firm development.

7:30 PM: I head home, bringing my laptop with me in case our client has any urgent requests (this happens occasionally). Depending on the project and assignment, I’ll often finish my work from home if it starts to get late.