Edge Europe

31 January 2019, Amsterdam

“Edge will be the most transformative opportunity for the next decade.” Join Michael Dargue at Edge Congress Europe and find out more about what infrastructure is needed to support edge computing.

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PANEL Building the Edge – Infrastructure Requirements and Responsibilities

31 January at 13:50

The delivery of edge services will require cooperation across stakeholders in the service delivery value chain. From the cloud through micro data centers and tower infrastructure, networks, to the very extremes of distributed devices, applications and nodes. What steps are individual organisations taking in developing this ecosystem? Where do current infrastructure providers sit within future edge delivery ecosystems? How will this vary dependent on application and scale? Is there an opportunity for end-to-end service provision? Or will specialist silos and ad hoc cooperation form the backbone of the edge? Ultimately, who owns the edge?

Chair: Michael Dargue, Principal Consultant, Cartesian
Dalia Adid, Senior Consultant, STL Partners
Angelo Cosaro, CTO, ADLINK Technology
Eric Dansereau, Independent Telecoms Consultant
Amar Kalvikatte, Senior Manager – Cloud Network Architecture and Design, Liberty Global

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